At IMS, we know that your satisfaction is the basis for building a successful, long term and mutually profitable relationship.
Our business is simple, and so is our guarantee. There is no fine print, no catch. If after twelve months of using REality properly, you have not increased your income by ten times the purchase price, we will refund your money.
Here’s why this has been successful:
We want you as a long-term user. By giving back money to a (very) few unsatisfied purchasers, we turn them into satisfied (non-buying, but non-complaining) past customers as well. That’s just good business – for everyone.
Privacy Policy
As a matter of practice, we maintain our clients' information on a strictly confidential basis and do not disclose such information to third parties, unless required by law. If you have any questions or comments about our personal information practices or would like to make a written request for access to your personal information or request to delete your information please contact our Privacy Officer at or mail us at Privacy Officer, IMS Incorporated, 2792 Dufferin Street, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 3R7.